"Apsalar has published the results of its latest market research, which shows the different types of behavior in terms of access to the mobile world between men and women."
The company that is responsible for market analysis and advertising in the mobile world Apsalarpublished data of its latest survey, conducted by examining the habits of 500 million unique users of the Android and iOS platforms. They are definitely indicative of the results, which show interesting differences between what men do and what women do with their mobile devices.
Women 40% of the installed app in more than men, they buy 17% of the paid app more, even paying 87% more for this type of app.
The app used most by women are the ones that concern the categories: social media, news, productivity, lifestyle, books. Moving on, however, to men, the categories are: business, games, navigrazione, travel, health and fitness. Especially curious data on games and navigation, asthey spend 61% more of their time to app gaming.
The men off considerably women, as well as in the gaming category, even in that of the in-app purchases. Sign that the resort to real currency feeds the competition within this sex, whereas this type of purchase allows you to have an edge over the other players.
Even for navigation since we have a similar, given that men spend more time than women on the traditional web, precisely with a difference of 40%. Women hark back to the great when it comes to social media, pulling men in this well 611 percentage points.
Women 40% of the installed app in more than men, they buy 17% of the paid app more, even paying 87% more for this type of app.
The app used most by women are the ones that concern the categories: social media, news, productivity, lifestyle, books. Moving on, however, to men, the categories are: business, games, navigrazione, travel, health and fitness. Especially curious data on games and navigation, asthey spend 61% more of their time to app gaming.
The men off considerably women, as well as in the gaming category, even in that of the in-app purchases. Sign that the resort to real currency feeds the competition within this sex, whereas this type of purchase allows you to have an edge over the other players.
Even for navigation since we have a similar, given that men spend more time than women on the traditional web, precisely with a difference of 40%. Women hark back to the great when it comes to social media, pulling men in this well 611 percentage points.
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